Supercell is among the prominent supporters of the World Telecommunication and Information Society Day conference. The Tigris Center for Strategic Studies, in collaboration with the National Security Advisory Council and the Media and Communications Authority, organized a dialogue forum on the occasion of ‘World Telecommunication and Information Society Day’ under the theme ‘Communications for a Sustainable Future.’

The opening remarks were delivered by Mr. Ali Nasser Baniyan, the Director-General of the Tigris Center for Strategic Studies, Dr. Hayam Al-Yasiri, the Minister of Communications, Dr. Ali Al-Mouaid, the Chairman of the Media and Communications Authority, and Mr. Adel Mohammed Drouish, the Regional Director of the International Telecommunication Union for Arab States.

Mr. Mohammad Fuad Taha, the CEO of the company, discussed the impact of the sixth edition of Internet protocols on communication security.
The conference aims to raise awareness about the significance of telecommunications and information technology in people’s lives, enhance opportunities in the digital technology field for all individuals, contribute to achieving internationally agreed-upon development goals, and promote awareness of how the internet, information technology, and other communication technologies can benefit communities and economies of countries.